Hi! I’m Nicolas – full stack software engineer based in France. My main areas of interest are developer tools, privacy tech, applied cryptograhy, decentralized identity and distributed systems. I also love eating baozi. →
4/28/2020 - Nicolas Gimenez - 4min read
Category: tech
Problem I am currently working on the Dart client to connect to Krypton Authentification Server. Spacemacs was literally randomly freezing…
3/31/2020 - Nicolas Gimenez - 1min read
Category: tools
If you don't use Emacs/Spacemacs/Doom Emacs in evil-mode, give it a try! It is a difficult learning experience but it will enhance your life…
12/6/2019 - Nicolas Gimenez - 5min read
Category: frontend
I've struggled to get those logos look relatively good. Ideally I guess the option that would lead to the cleanest result would be to use a…
11/23/2019 - Nicolas Gimenez - 13min read
Category: floss
How do we financially sustain the developement of a FLOSS? What are the advantages and drawbacks of each approachs, based on real-life…
11/16/2019 - Nicolas Gimenez - 9min read
What are the important values Free Software and Open-Source carry, and how do they complement each other? I'll give you my two cents - in…
11/9/2019 - Nicolas Gimenez - 15min read
I've spent a couple of months reading all sorts of articles and news about Free Software, Open-Source, licensing and more importantly the…
10/25/2019 - Nicolas Gimenez - 2min read
At the beginning of the year 2016, my first task when I was hired after college was to learn about ZeroMQ in order to use it in our software…